A web and desktop application developer for Windows, as well as a creator of Discord bots. I enjoy using technologies like Node.js, React, and C# to build functional projects. I am interested in projects that move me forward, real projects in which I can learn and use my technologies 100%.
Markup Language
Cascading Style
C Sharp
Vs Code
Visual Studio
This was my first serious project since it was a paid one. Used Node.js, Discord.js and Mongoose to manage MongoDB database. Thanks to this project, I learned to use MongoDB, which is now my favorite database manager.
This was my second serious project, and it was also a paid one. Its a selfbot that retrieves real-time data from a Discord server, such as categories, channels, users, roles, mentions, etc., and communicates the necessary updates to a Discord.js bot via events. The bot mirrors a server by replicating channel/role usage in real time and duplicates messages in the mirrored server using custom webhooks, also in real time.
This was a scraping project designed to fetch GIFs from Nekotina using an automated selfbot. The selfbot interacts with Nekotina, extracts the data, and then stores it in MongoDB using Mongoose.